Friday 2 April 2010

Pregnant and Sexy, can you be both?

The answer depends entirely on you.
Has your body changed since you fell pregnant? Of course it has.
The question is, how do you look after it?

There are enormous physical, hormonal and emotional changes that happen to you and your body during pregnancy and over a relatively short period of time. The body has to adapt to carrying a baby.

First pregnancy stretch marks start to appear and to fight those you need a product you can rely on.
Perfecta Mama Stretch marks minimising body lotion was designed for pregnant and post natal mothers to get rid of even deepest pregnancy stretch marks within weeks.
Perfecta Mama is an excellent, fast acting, intensive preparation for stretch marks prevention and reduction recommended especially for pregnant and breast-feeding women.
It doesn't disturb USG tests, has silky soft texture and aroma without allergens.
It has been tested medically in the Institute of Mother and Child.

Hormones are the bane of every pregnant woman’s life. Just when you think you’ve got on top of morning sickness, you start to get hot flushes and cry about anything and everything.
Everyone knows about the ‘pregnancy glow’, that's when your skin looks radiant and healthy.

Unfortunately, many mums aren’t so lucky with their complexion during pregnancy, often complaining of acne on their face. This is often caused by high levels of progesterone, which causes your glands to increase their secretions, making the skin oily and more prone to spots.

To avoid or fight those go for Perfecta Mama protective face cream with Folic Acid
It prevents pregnancy related skin discolouration and is safe to use during and post pregnancy.

Some women don’t get acne, but do develop dark patches on their skin called ‘chloasma’ or ‘melasma’. This is where Perfecta Mama protective face cream works well. It will protect your skin and minimize the risk of darkened pigmentation during the pregnancy.

You can also order a free sample here

So, pregnant and sexy, can you be both?

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