Friday 2 April 2010

Which one are you: a Silky Smooth or a Dry & Rough?

In your 20's skin cell renewal drops by up to 28 per cent, dead skin cells are not as easily shed and external factors are starting to have a greater impact, leaving your skin slightly duller.

When we are young we think moisturising is for oldies. Nothing more wrong than that.
Your skin needs to drink! And I don't mean an alcohol!
You need to drink plenty of water and use a good moisturiser to maintain a clear skin.

If you could split your body in half and allow water, vitamins and moisturisers to reach only half of your body, what difference would it make after one week?
What would happen to your body, to your brain and to your skin?
How quickly do you think you would go dry and wrinkly?

There is no excuse not to moisturise regardless of your age.
If 60% of our body weight consists of water, do we refill it often enough to maintain healthy, young and radiant looking skin?
Moisturising only takes maximum of 40 seconds of our daily routine, but the huge difference it does to your skin is amazing.

We all want to look and feel healthy, radiant and comfortable in our own skin.

Regardless of age, you need to give your skin a moisture drink every day. Use a good day cream and night cream ideally with Aloe Vera, which hydrates your skin from inside.

You can actually slow down the skin aging process, by using the right face cream for your age!

If you are in your 20's or 30's go for the Perfecta Moisturiser with Aloe Vera

You can order your free sample here and try for yourself.

Go on, rediscover your true healthy radiant skin and at the same time, feel and look fabulous & confident.

So which one are you: a Silky Smooth or a Dry & Rough?

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